[Math] What was Seifert’s contribution to the Seifert-van Kampen theorem


The Seifert-van Kampen theorem is the classical theorem of algebraic topology that the fundamental group functor $\pi_1$ preserves pushouts; more often than not this is referred to simply as the van Kampen theorem, with no Seifert attached. Curious as to why, I tried looking up the history of the theorem, and (in the few sources at my immediate disposal) could only find mention of van Kampen; the wikipedia page of Herbert Seifert doesn't even mention the theorem.

So my question is: Why does the theorem bear Seifert's name?

Best Answer

According to Jahrbuch der Mathematik this theorem is in:

  • Seifert, H. Konstruktion dreidimensionaler geschlossener Räume. (German) JFM 57.0723.01 Berichte Leipzig 83, 26-66. Technische Hochschule Dresden, Diss (1931).

See the (long) review in zbMATH by Erika Pannwitz. The relevant sentence is:

  • (Die erforderlichen Hilfsmittel werden in § 2 und 3 der Arbeit zusammengestellt; § 3 enthält insbesondere Aussagen über die Fundamentalgruppe eines Komplexes, der aus zwei Komplexen mit zusammenhängendem Durchschnitt zusammengesetzt ist.)

See also footnote 65 on page 19 of: