[Math] What percentage of published mathematics papers are correct


As described in Larcombe and Ridd, estimates for the percentage of published papers found to be reliable or reproducible in sciences such as biomedical science, have been as low as 50%, 25% and even 11%.

My question is: In mathematics, what percentage of published papers are correct? (i.e. all new theorems presented in the paper are correct, and can thus be relied on). Have any studies been done? Perhaps estimates could be made, based on the number of published corrections?

Note that while the problem of finding the exact answer to this question, for some given set of journals, might be beyond our present capability, the question itself, is objective – not a matter of opinion.

Best Answer

This graph from Errors and Corrections in Mathematics Literature indicates about 1.4% of published mathematics papers were followed by a correction.

Corrections as percent of journal documents for subject areas of Scopus. Three areas are shown both inclusive and exclusive of interdisciplinary work. Comments are undercounted for journals that choose to identify them as “letters”.

There is also a breakdown per mathematical topic:

Error correction rates as percent of articles in the primary Mathematics Subject Classifications from Zentralblatt. The eleven subjects in bold contribute 51 percent of publications.