[Math] What makes Gaussian distributions special

gaussianpr.probabilityprobability distributionsst.statistics

I'm looking for as many different arguments or derivations as possible that support the informal claim that Gaussian/Normal distributions are "the most fundamental" among all distributions.

A simple example: the central limit theorem (CLT) shows that the sum of i.i.d. random variables tends towards a Gaussian distribution.

Best Answer

The comments list many reasons why the Gaussian distribution is special, but is it "the most fundamental" among all distributions, as suggested in the OP? I would like to argue that (1) conservation laws are among the most fundamental laws of Nature, and (2) a quantity that obeys a conservation law will naturally follow an exponential -- rather than a Gaussian distribution.

Consider energy: two systems with energies $E_1$ and $E_2$ have total energy $E_1+E_2$, and if they are sufficiently large they will be independent, so the probability distribution must factorize: $P(E_1+E_2)=P(E_1)P(E_2)$, with the exponential distribution $P(E)\propto e^{-\beta E}$ as the unique normalizable solution (assuming $E$ is bounded from below).

This is the Gibbs measure. The Hammersley–Clifford theorem states that any probability measure which satisfies a Markov property is a Gibbs measure for an appropriate choice of (locally defined) energy function. The Gibbs measure is the fundamental measure of statistical physics, but it also applies widely outside of physics.

Economics is one such example. The statistical mechanics of money explains the exponential distribution of money as a direct consequence of the fact that money is conserved in general (there are exceptions). Wealth, in contrast, is not conserved (stocks may rise or fall), hence the non-exponential wealth distribution (Pareto distribution).

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