[Math] What kind of completion is this


Let $X$ be a compact Hausdorff space, and $C(X)$ the unital commutative C*-algebra of continuous functions on it. The double Banach dual $C(X)^{**}$ is a commutative von Neumann algebra and hence has a compact Hausdorff space $X^{**}$ as Gelfand spectrum again. What is $X^{**}$, in terms of $X$?

This gives an (idempotent?) endofunctor (monad?) on the category of compact Hausdorff spaces, that I don't recognize as any of the usual ones like Stone-Cech. What completion is it? Is it related to the functor taking a compact Hausdorff space to the $\sigma$-algebra generated by its opens?

Accounts of enveloping von Neumann algebras of (commutative) C*-algebras in terms of double Banach duals seem hard to find in the literature, and any references are welcome. What is the von Neumann algebra $C(X)^{**}$, in the first place?

Best Answer

For what it's worth, I found a lot of information in [Dales, Lau & Strauss, "Second duals of measure algebras", Dissertationes Mathematicae 481:1-121, 2012]. The assignment $X \mapsto X^{\ast\ast}$ is functorial, and called the hyper-Stonean cover. It loses information: if $X$ is countable, then $X^{\ast\ast} \cong \beta\mathbb{N}$.

If $X$ is metrizable and uncountable, a lot of the structure of $X^{\ast\ast}$ is known -- it is characterised as follows:

  • $X^{\ast\ast}$ is hyper-Stonean;
  • the set $D$ of isolated points of $X^{\ast\ast}$ has cardinality $2^{\aleph_0}$, its closure $Y$ is a clopen subspace homeomorphic to $D_d$;
  • $X\setminus Y$ contains a family of $2^{\alpha_0}$ pairwise disjoint, clopen subspaces, each homeomorphic to $\mathbb{H}$;
  • the union $U$ of the above sets is dense in $X \setminus Y$, and $\beta U = X \setminus Y$.

In general, there exist a continuous projection $p \colon X^{\ast\ast} \to X$ and a (not necessarily injective) injection $i \colon X \to X^{\ast\ast}$ with $i \circ p = 1_{X^{\ast\ast}}$. Moreover, $X$ consists of the isolated points of $X^{\ast\ast}$, and is therefore open.