[Math] what is the associated Borel set of a Borel measurable function on the extended real line


This question comes from Theorem 19.B in page 81 of Halmos' "Measure Theory", as the image below shows.

Theorem 19.B

In this theorem, we are given a function $\phi$ which is a Borel measurable function on the extended real line $\mathbb R^*$. But I can't figure out what the associated Borel set is with regard to which $\phi$ becomes a Borel measurable function. Related definitions of this book are as follows:

1)measurable space and measurable set (page 73):
enter image description here

That is, we must make sure two conditions are met: a)S is a sigma-ring, b)$\bigcup{\bf S}=X$

2)measurable function (page 76-77):
enter image description here

This definition shows that a measurable function must be defined on a measurable space, that is, a whole space X together with a sigma-ring S, otherwise we cannot check if $N(f)\cap f^{-1}(M)$ is measurable or not.

3)Borel measurable function (page 77-78):
enter image description here

In 3), Borel measurable function is defined only for the real line $\mathbb R$, but in Theorem 19.B, $\phi$ is a Borel measurable function on the extended real line $\mathbb R^\ast$. What is the sigma-ring of the measurable space involved in the above definitions? If it is just the real Borel set $\bf B$, we do not have $\bigcup\bf B=\mathbb R^*$, which violates the definition of measurable space in 1). If it is $\bf B$ along with $\{+\infty\}$ and $\{-\infty\}$, that is, ${\bf B'=B}\cup \{\{+\infty\}\}\cup\{\{-\infty\}\}$, ${\bf B'}$ is not a sigma-ring since, e.g. $[a,+\infty]=[a,+\infty)\cup\{+\infty\}$ is not in ${\bf B'}$. How to solve this problem? Thanks!

Best Answer

The Borel sets of $\mathbb{R}^{\ast}$ are just the real Borel sets together with any real Borel set union one or both infinities. In other words, a subset of $\mathbb{R}^{\ast}$ is Borel if and only if its intersection with $\mathbb{R}$ is Borel.