[Math] What areas of pure mathematics research are best for a post-PhD transition to industry


I have a student who is looking to start a PhD in pure mathematics. She is talented and motivated, and will do quite well. She is still in a phase of her development where she is still open to the possibility of working in a broad range of research areas. In order to offset the risk of not finding an academic job post-PhD she would like to write a dissertation that will give her increased likelihood of finding work in industry. She wants to do research in pure mathematics however, i.e. prefers proving theorems to writing code or testing models.

Question: What areas of pure mathematics research are best for a post-PhD transition to industry? Please be as specific as possible.

Answers to the questions here and here are certainly relevant, but these questions are obviously distinct from my question. I think this question is useful to the pure mathematics community in that it addresses the fact that there are so many qualified academic job applicants in recent years. (For this reason, I hope the community gives the question a chance.)

Best Answer

Probability. A strong background in probability will permit to qualify for jobs in statistics and financial math. See AMS Notices where a lot of statistics about the employment of recent PhD is published yearly. And a salary survey.

EDIT. My second guess was combinatorics/coding theory or PDE. But my friend explained me that PURE combinatorics is not so hot in the (industrial) job market, coding theory is not pure math, and pure PDE is very different from numerical PDE, the last thing is of course in great demand.

EDIT2. Reply on Peter Shor's comment. The distinction between "pure" and "applied" math is not sharp. On my opinion, if a problem arises from a "real world application", it is applied math (like math physics, control theory, coding theory). If a problem arises from the inner logic of development of math then it is pure math (like Fermat's last theorem). But of course, the difference is fuzzy, and one can trace almost all math problems to the "real world". Frequently it happens like this: a problem arises in the real world, mathematicians like it, and start working on it, and then work and work, forgetting its real world origin. (Example: constructions with compass and ruler, etc.) Probability was also applied math at its origin. And it becomes pure math. Similar things we see in coding theory, math physics and computer science. A lot of "computer science" is pure math.