[Math] What are your favorite finite non-commutative rings


When you are checking a conjecture or working through a proof, it is nice to have a collection of examples on hand.

There are many convenient examples of commutative rings, both finite and infinite, and there are many convenient examples of infinite non-commutative rings. But I don't have a good collection of finite non-commutative rings to think about. I usually just think of a matrix ring over a finite field.

Do YOU have other examples that you particularly like/find easy to use/find to be a good source of counterexamples?

Best Answer

2 families of examples that are sometimes useful to have in mind:

(1) The group ring of a non-abelian finite group over a finite commutative ring.


(2) the incidence algebra of a finite poset over a finite commutative ring (the ring of upper triangular matrices is a basic example of this).

Of course, both of these are special cases of the same more general categorical (or quiver) definition. Before I wrote that I'd never dealt with the more general concept, but that was a lie...

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