[Math] What are the big problems in probability theory


Most branches of mathematics have big, sexy famous open problems. Number theory has the Riemann hypothesis and the Langlands program, among many others. Geometry had the Poincaré conjecture for a long time, and currently has the classification of 4-manifolds. PDE theory has the Navier-Stokes equation to deal with.

So what are the big problems in probability theory and stochastic analysis?

I'm a grad student working in the field, but I can't name any major unsolved conjectures or open problems which are driving research. I've heard that stochastic Löwner evolutions are a big field of study these days, but I don't know what the conjectures or problems relating to them are.

Does anyone have any suggestions?

Best Answer

To my mind one of the biggest open problems in probability, in the sense of being a famous basic statement that we don't know how to solve, is to show that there is "no percolation at the critical point" (mentioned in particular in section 4.1 of Gordon Slade's contribution to the Princeton Companion to Mathematics). A capsule summary: write $\mathbb{Z}_{d,p}$ for the random subgraph of the nearest-neighbour $d$-dimensional integer lattice, obtained by independently keeping each edge with probability $p$. Then it is known that there exists a critical probability $p_c(d)$ (the percolation threshold}) such that for $p < p_c$, with probability one $\mathbb{Z}_{d,p}$ contains no infinite component, and for $p > p_c$, with probability one there exists an unique infinite component.

The conjecture is that with probability one, $\mathbb{Z}_{d,p_c(d)}$ contains no infinite component. The conjecture is known to be true when $d =2$ or $d \geq 19$.

Incidentally, one of the most effective ways we have of understanding percolation -- a technique known as the lace expansion, largely developed by Takeshi Hara and Gordon Slade -- is also one of the key tools for studying self-avoiding walks and a host of other random lattice models.

That article of Slade's is in fact full of intriguing conjectures in the area of critical phenomena, but the conjecture I just mentioned is probably the most famous of the lot.