[Math] What are some examples of journals that will accept undergraduate student research


I am currently doing a research project with a professor and 3 other students in an area that is usually seen as a "recreational" math topic; that of change-ringing and its relation to group theory. The papers regarding change-ringing that I have managed to find on JSTOR are generally of an expository nature, and since we do have one or two somewhat original results (we were trying to see what subgroups of Sn can be enumerated using transformations allowed under the restrictions of change-ringing), I think we might have something at least worth trying to submit to a small journal.

Does anyone have any recommendations?

Best Answer

Permit me to draw attention to the journal, Involve—A Journal of Mathematics (which I also mentioned in a related MO posting). Snippets from About the Journal:

"Involve is dedicated to showcasing and encouraging high quality mathematical research involving students (at all levels). ... Submissions in all mathematical areas are encouraged. However, each manuscript should include a minimum of 1/3 student authorship. ... Involve is a publication in between the extremes of purely undergraduate research journals, which in general are aimed at undergraduate audiences, and mainstream research journals."

The current issue is its 10th.