[Math] What are good articles/books on the psychology of mathematical research


I am thinking about advanced texts similar to Polya's 'How to solve it?'. Quite a few good articles of such a kind are published under Philosophy of Mathematics, but that dwells on a very different domain generally.

Best Answer

Jacques Hadamard, The Psychology of Invention in the Mathematical Field.

Description (from the Library Journal):

Thoughtful and articulate study of the origin of ideas. Role of the unconscious in invention; the medium of ideas — do they come to mind in words? in pictures? in mathematical terms? Much more. "It is essential for the mathematician, and the layman will find it good reading."

There is something interesting in page 118 on the Riemann Hypothesis:

At the death of Riemann, a note was found among his papers, saying 'These properties of $\zeta(s)$ (the function in question) are deduced from an expression of it which, however, I did not succeed in simplifying enough to publish it." We still have not the slightest idea of what the expression could be.