[Math] Weil’s Riemann Hypothesis for dummies


Weil's Riemann Hypothesis is a deep result that I don't fully understand, but it has understandable corollaries which interest me. For example:

(a) For any projective curve $X$ satisfying certain conditions, the number $N$ of points in $X$ with coordinates in $\mathrm{GF}(q)$ satisfies $|N-(q+1)|\leq\mathrm{const}\cdot\sqrt{q}$. (The deviation is $0$ when $X$ is a projective line.)

(b) For any nontrivial multiplicative character $\chi$ on $\mathrm{GF}(q)$ and any polynomial $f$ of degree $n$ satisfying certain conditions, we have



  1. Is there a reference (legible to an English-speaking non-expert in the field) which gives the rigorous statements of these corollaries? In particular, I would like conditions which one can verify without a background in algebraic geometry.

  2. Are there other corollaries of Weil's Riemann Hypothesis which are also widely understandable? EDIT: I'm mostly interested in the Riemann Hypothesis, but I'm also happy to learn understandable consequences of the other Weil conjectures and related results.

Best Answer

Here are the statements from Schmidt's book (as pointed to in my comment).

(a) Suppose $f(x,y)$ is a polynomial of total degree $d$, with coefficients in the field of $q$ elements and with $N$ zeros with coordinates in that field. Suppose $f(x,y)$ is absolutely irreducible, that is, irreducible not only over the field of $q$ elements, but also over every algebraic extension thereof. Then $$|N-q|\le2g\sqrt q+c_1(d)$$ where $g$ is the genus of the curve $f(x,y)=0$.

I am not up to explaining "genus" without algebraic geometry, but it is known that $g\le(d-1)(d-2)/2$, so if you are willing to settle for $$|N-q|\le(d-1)(d-2)\sqrt q+c_1(d)$$ then I think you have what you are after.

(b) Let $\chi$ be a multiplicative character of order $d>1$. Suppose that $f(x)$, a polynomial in one variable over the field of $q$ elements, has $m$ distinct zeros, and is not a $d$th power. Then $$\Bigl|\sum_{x\in{\bf F}_q}\chi(f(x))\Bigr|\le(m-1)\sqrt q$$