[Math] Weak and Strong Integration of vector-valued functions


This is probably an elementary question, but outside my area of expertise, and I was unable to find any suitable reference:

Suppose $f:X\to E$ is a continuous function from a compact spaces (endowed with a probability Borel measure $\mu$) to a locally convex, Hausdorff, complete topological vector space. We want to define a reasonable integral, i.e., $\int_Xfd\mu$. The question is : when exactly is that one needs weak integrals (e.g., the Gelfand-Pettis integral)? There is a strong integral called the Bochner integral which is typically defined for $E$ a Banach space; but it seems to me that its definition works at least for Frechet spaces. For a general locally convex, Hausdorff, complete TVS, when exactly does Bochner's approach, i.e., to define a strong integral by approximation of $f$ with simple functions (i.e., finite-valued measurable functions) fail?

Best Answer


One issue with Bochner integration is that it does not include Riemann-integration. There are Banach-space-valued R-integrable functions that are not B-integrable (example: Consider $X:=\mathcal{l}^p([0,1])$ with $2\leq p < \infty$ and $f:[0,1]\to X, f(t):=e_t$ where $e_t$ is the tupel with exactly one equal to 1 and all other components equal to 0.). The Gelfand-Pettis-Integral on the other hand includes both the Bochner- and the Riemann-Integral.

One problem with B-integration is that you need functions that are almost separable valued (meaning: there is a nullset whose complement has separable image) in order to approximate them with simple functions and this may be a strong restriction. Another issue is that for certain applications the weak topologies just behave better than the strong ones so that Pettis-integration is the natural notion of integration in this cases.

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