[Math] Von Neumann’s consistency proof


In the paper Zur Hilbertschen Beweistheorie, John Von Neumann has proposed a consistency proof for
a fragment of first-order arithmetic (the fragment without induction and with
the successor axioms only) by a variant of Hilbert's substitution method.

The paper is in German, and I so could not read it.

Question 1. Can anyone explain the main ideas of Von Neumann's work in this paper?

Question 2. Are there any references in English, explaining Von Neumann's work in details?

Best Answer

I will attempt to answer your first question by describing the context of the von Neumann paper you have asked about.

As is well known, Hilbert had earlier posed the problem of establishing the consistency of first order arithmetic (with full induction), and had suggested the development of the method of "$\varepsilon$-substitutions" (also known as "$\varepsilon$-calculus") as a means of achieving this goal.

The first substantial advance in this direction was made by Ackermann in his 1925-doctoral dissertation (written under Hilbert's supervision) entitled Begründung des "tertium non datur" mittels der Hilbertschen Theorie der Widerspruchsfreiheit, which was published in the same year in the journal Mathematische Annalen. In this work, Ackermann proved the consistency of a system of arithmetic with induction only for quantifier-free formulae. Ackermann's work was later extended by von Neumann in his 1927-paper you have asked about, in which von Neumann developed further techniques that demonstrated the efficacy of $\varepsilon$-calculus. He also gave a detailed critique of Ackermann's earlier proof.

Eventually, Gentzen used another technique (cut-elimination) to give a consistency proof for first order arithmetic in 1936, which highlighted the role of the ordinal $\varepsilon_0$ in the consisteny proof of arithmetic. Gentzen's breakthrough prompted Ackermann, in his 1940 paper in Mathematische Annalen, to forumlate a proof of the consistency of arithmetic with the machinery of $\varepsilon$-calculus.

Now about your second question.

From what I can tell, techniques developed by von Neumann in his 1927 paper have now been absorbed into the folklore of the subject. The following papers provide excellent expository accounts of $\varepsilon$-calculus. They also contain pointers to the rich literature of the subject.

  1. G. Mints, A method of epsilon substitution for the predicate logic with equality, Journal of Math. Sc.i 1997

  2. G. Moser and R. Zach, The epsilon calculus and herbrand complexity, Studia Logica 2006.

PS. See also Ed Dean's nice answer.

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