Visibility of Vertices in Polyhedra – Combinatorics and Metric Geometry

co.combinatoricsdiscrete geometrymg.metric-geometrypolyhedra

Suppose $P$ is a closed polyhedron in space (i.e. a union of polygons which is homeomorphic to $S^2$) and $X$ is an interior point of $P$. Is it true that $X$ can see at least one vertex of $P$? More precisely, does the entire open segment between $X$ and some other vertex lie in the interior of $P$?

Best Answer

There are many points in the interior of this polyhedron, constructed (independently) by Raimund Seidel and Bill Thurston, that see no vertices. Interior regions are cubical spaces with "beams" from the indentations passing above and below, left and right, fore and aft. Standing in one of these cubical cells, you are surrounded by these beams and can see little else.

      SeidelPolyhedron Figure from: Discrete and Computational Geometry. (Book link).
The indentations visible are not holes, in that they do not go all the way through, but rather stop just short of penetrating to the other side. So the three back faces of the surrounding cube—obscured in this view—are in fact square faces of the cube. Thus $P$ is indeed homeomorphic to a sphere.

To follow Tony Huynh's point: This polyhedron $P$ cannot be tetrahedralized, i.e., it cannot be partitioned into tetrahedra all of whose corners are vertices of $P$.

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