[Math] Using TikZ in papers


I've started using TikZ for a paper I'm writing and am worrying that a journal might not accept the paper with inline TikZ. I had to update my PGF installation for all the examples to work and I'm not even sure that my collaborator will have an updated version…

So here are the questions.

-Do people know if journals (math and physics) accept inline TikZ?

-Is there a nice way to create a pdf figure from a tikzpicture ? Perhaps I could have a latex file for each figure and only one \begin{tikpicture} \end{tikzpicture} pair and somehow compile the result to get a pdf or eps containing just the figure (and not a whole page with a figure in it…)



Best Answer

There is a method for doing this in the back of the TIkZ manual; you can put special commmands around a TikZ picture do have it make a separate PDF which you then include as usual graphics. I'll admit, though, that I've had poor luck using it. I'd rather just give an earful to any journal who doesn't like TikZ.