[Math] Unstable homotopy groups of spheres beyond Toda’s range


In 1962 Toda published his book "Composition methods in homotopy groups of spheres", which contains computations of $\pi_{n+k}(S^n)$ for $k\le 19$ and $n\le 20$. The values of these groups are conveniently tabulated, and reproduced on the Wikipedia page Homotopy groups of spheres. The computations involve composition product, Toda brackets and the EHP sequence, as well as cohomology operations for the higher values of $k$.

I am fairly certain that more values of $\pi_{n+k}(S^n)$ have been computed in the intervening years, perhaps with more modern methods such as the unstable Adams spectral sequence.

Does anybody know of an up-to-date table of known unstable homotopy groups of spheres, beyond the range shown in Toda's tables?

Best Answer

I don't know the answer to your question, but I asked Fred Cohen. He had this to say:

Most of the computations are in Mahowald's work with the EHP sequence. This gives infinite families at p = 2 with Rob Thompson's extensions to p > 2.

Specific extensions of 2-primary components in fixed stems are in

  • N. Oda, On the 2-components of the unstable homotopy groups of spheres. II, Proc. Japan Acad. 53, Ser. A(1977), 215-218.

  • N. Oda, Unstable homotopy groups of spheres, Bull. of the Inst. for Advanced Re- search of Fukuoka Univ. 44 (1979), 49-152.

  • N. Oda, Some relations in the 18-stem of the homotopy groups of spheres, Bull. Central Res. Inst. Fukuoka Univ., 104, (1988), 75–83. ​

Brayton Gray gave families of elements of order $p^r$ in $\pi_*(S^{2r+1})$ for $p$ an odd prime.

Example: It is not known whether there are elements of order 64 in $\pi_*(S^{11})$.

Similarly, it is not known whether there are elements of order 64 in the stable homotopy of $\mathbb RP^{10}$, thus a potential counterexample to the Freyd conjecture.

Other than that, not much more in terms of specific computations are in the literature as far as I know.