[Math] Unnecessary uses of the Continuum Hypothesis


This question was inspired by the MathOverflow question "Unnecessary uses of the axiom of choice". I want to know of statements in ZFC that can be proven by assuming the Continuum Hypothesis, but can also be proven by a more elaborate (perhaps even significantly more elaborate) proof without assuming the Continuum Hypothesis.

Best Answer

Theorem: The space $\mathbb N^*$ of non-principal ultrafilters on $\mathbb N$ is not homogeneous.

Using CH, it is fairly straightforward to prove there is a special kind of ultrafilter called a $P$-point. A point $u$ of $\mathbb N^*$ is a $P$-point if any countable intersection of open neighborhoods of $u$ is again a neighborhood of $u$. Not all points of $\mathbb N^*$ are $P$-points (regardless of CH). Walter Rudin proved in 1956 that CH implies that $\mathbb N^*$ contains $P$-points, so this shows the space is non-homogeneous.

But the non-homogeneity of $\mathbb N^*$ is a theorem of ZFC. This was proved years later in 1967 in Frolík - Sums of ultrafilters (building on some unpublished work of Kunen). As I understand it, the non-homogeneity of $\mathbb N^*$ was a hot-topic open question during the intervening years, which demonstrates how much tougher the non-CH proof is.