[Math] Uniqueness of solution to heat equation when initial condition is a generalized function

ap.analysis-of-pdesheat equationuniqueness-theorems

Let $u(t,x)$ be a solution to the heat equation $$\partial_t = \partial_{xx} \quad (t,x) \in [0,T) \times [-1,1]$$ subject to the initial/boundary conditions
$$u(0,x) = f(x), \quad x \in [-1,1], \\
u(t,\pm 1) = g^{\pm}(t), \quad t \in [0,T),$$
with the usual compatibility conditions in corners: $f(\pm 1) = g^{\pm}(0)$. Suppose also that $f$ and $g$ are bounded and continuous. Then one can invoke the maximum principle or the energy method to prove that $u$ is the only solution.

What happens when $f$ or $g$ are unbounded? Say for instance, when $f(x) = \delta_0(x)$ (point mass at zero) and $g^\pm \equiv 0$? This problem has a solution that can be easily represented as a series.

How does one go about proving uniqueness in such a situation?

In fact, come to think of it, how does one prove the uniqueness of the fundamental solution $v(t,x) = \exp \{-x^2 / (4t)\}/ \sqrt{4 \pi t}$?

Is it some kind of weak uniqueness, where you show uniqueness of all classical solutions resulting from mollification of initial/boundary conditions? Is that the best one can do?

Any references would be deeply appreciated.

Best Answer

(Not sure if I understand the question correctly.)

If $p_{t,x}(y) = p(t, x, y)$ is the fundamental solution (a.k.a. the heat kernel), then $p_{t,x}$ converges as $t \to 0^+$ to the Dirac measure $\delta_0$ in the sense of weak* convergence of measures, and hence also in the sense of distributions.

For any initial value given by a distribution $f$ in $(-1,1)$ (say: compactly supported, but this can be extended slightly), $u(t, x) = \langle f, p_{t,x}$ makes sense. Then $u$ can be proved to solve the heat equation, and $u(t, \cdot)$ converges in the space of distributions to $f$ as $t \to 0^+$.

I do not know the literature well, but I would check any book on applications of the distribution theory to PDEs for more on that. For example, Section 16.7 in Vladimirov's Methods of the theory of generalized functions might be a good reference.

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