[Math] Two questions from combinatorics on words

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Question 1. Assume that an infinite word $u\in\{0,1\}^{\mathbb Z}$ is not balanced. Is it true that there exists a finite 0-1 word $w$ such that $0w01w1$ or $1w10w0$ is a factor of $u$? Is it true that both are? (Perhaps, with different $w$.) – answered in the negative

Question 1 (modified). Assume that an infinite word $u\in\{0,1\}^{\mathbb Z}$ is not balanced. Is it true that there exists a finite (possibly, empty) 0-1 word $w=w_1\dots w_k$ such that $0w_1\dots w_k01w_k\dots w_11$ or $1w_1\dots w_k10w_k\dots w_10$ is a factor of $u$? Is it true that both are? (Perhaps, with different $w$.)ANSWERED by Wolfgang

Question 2. Assume now that $u\in\{0,1\}^{\mathbb Z}$ is balanced and aperiodic (i.e., Sturmian). Is it true that for any $n\ge1$ there exists a finite 0-1 word $w=w_1\dots w_k$ with $k\ge n$ such that $w_1\dots w_k01w_k\dots w_1$ or $w_1\dots w_k10w_k\dots w_1$ is a factor of $u$? Again, is it true that both are (with different $w$)? – ANSWERED by domotorp

I am familiar with Lothaire's famous monograph "Algebraic Combinatorics on Words" but couldn't find these results there.

EDIT. Here's what is meant by `balanced'. For a finite 0-1 word $w$ let $\delta(w)$ denote the number of 1s in $w$. A 0-1 word $w$ (finite or infinite) is called balanced if for any $n\ge1$ and any two factors $u$ and $v$ of $w$ of length $n$ we have $|\delta(u)-\delta(v)|\le 1$.

For instance, $0100101$ is balanced whilst $101000$ is not, since $\delta(101)=2$ and $\delta(000)=0$.

Best Answer

I think Question 2 is true and the proof is as follows. Every Sturmian word is equivalent to the cutting sequence of an irrational number (except, I think, those that have only one extra digit compared to a rational number, for which your statement is true). If you have a line $ax$ that goes through the origin, then its cutting sequence in both directions is the same, i.e., they are each other's reverse. Similarly, whenever the line goes "very close" to a grid point, the part before it will be the reverse of the part after it for a long time. Close to the grid point, you have the 01 or the 10. From Diophantine approximation, it follows that we can indeed achieve "very close" in both situations.

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