[Math] Two interpretations of implication in categorical logic


I am a bit confused about the interpretation of "implication" in the standard treatment of categorical logic, for example in [Bart Jacobs 1999] "Categorical Logic and Type Theory".

(A). On the one hand, the book says that "terms give rise to morphisms between contexts, this is the canonical way to produce a category from types" (p.5) Under this interpretation, type contexts are the objects in the category, also called indices, such that fibers can be built over indices. Under the Curry-Howard isomorphism, this arrow would correspond to an implication $\Rightarrow$ in logic.

(B). On the other hand, "each fiber category $P(I)$ is a Boolean algebra… with propositional connectives such as $\wedge, \vee, \top, \bot, \neg$ in (Boolean) logic" (p.12, ibid). This seems to be the approach used by Lawvere when he formulated the notion of topos, with the sub-object classifier $\Omega$. Under this interpretation, one can also create the (Boolean) logic implication operator $A \Rightarrow B$ defined as $\neg A \vee B$ (in Boolean algebra, but one can also do similarly in Heyting algebra). Would this $\Rightarrow$ be in conflict with the $\Rightarrow$ in (A)?

Edit: More specifically, if there is an arrow $A \Rightarrow B$ in the fiber, as in (B), how does it correspond (via Curry-Howard) to some type or term in the base category?

Best Answer

There are two concepts here, which are tightly connected. Logically, this corresponds to the distinction between $\vdash$ and $\Rightarrow$.

(A) Morphisms $t : \Gamma \to A$ represent (well-formed, typed) terms $\Gamma \vdash t : A$ in a context. If there is a single type (such as in universal algebra), we may write this simply as $\Gamma \vdash t$. This represents entailment, or derivability, of $t$ in the context $\Gamma$.

(B) Objects $A \Rightarrow B$ (which is the exponential $B^A$) represent implication. This may be thought of as an internalisation of the notion of entailment: in fact, terms $\vdash f : A \Rightarrow B$ are in bijection with terms $x : A \vdash t : B$. By modus ponens (the counit of the adjunction $A \times (-) \vdash A \Rightarrow (-)$), if we have a term of type $A$ and a term of type $A \Rightarrow B$, we can form a term of type $B$. This corresponds to the process of substituting one term for a free variable in another (at the level of entailment).

You can think of (A) as a meta-logical construction, which is necessary to even talk about terms or derivations in the first place. Then (B) is a way to reason about entailment within the logic itself (it is not present in every logic, but can be constructed in Boolean logic as you point out).

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