Tubular Neighborhood Theorem for $C^1$ Submanifold – Differential Geometry


Can anyone reference/disprove the theorem in the case where the embedded submanifold is merely $C^1$ instead of smooth? I have a compact $C^1$ embedded submanifold of $\mathbb{R}^n$ without boundary that I want to show there exists a tubular neighborhood of (with the radius of the tube not necessarily constant). Actually, I want to be able to create one piecewise using a finite covering. Much obliged.

Best Answer

The answer to your question depends on whether you are looking for a tubular neighborhood in the general differential topological sense or the more restrictive geometric sense. The answer in the topological sense is Yes, but in the geometric sense the answer in general is No. These two conceptions may coincide for $C^2$ submanifolds, but for $C^1$ submanifolds the construction is a bit more subtle, or non-canonical, as I will elaborate below.

A $C^1$ submanifold $M\subset R^n$ may not have any neighborhoods fibrated by normal vectors. So $C^1$ submanifolds do not in general have canonical tubular neighborhoods generated by the exponential map, and "radius" of the neighborhood does not really make sense; however, they still have a tubular neighborhood in the topological sense, i.e., a $C^1$ embedding of the normal bundle which extends that of $M$, as the zero section of the bundle. These may be constructed as follows.

The fastest way to construct a topological tubular neighborhood for $M$ is by noting that there exists a $C^1$ diffeomorphism $\phi\colon R^n\to R^n$ such that $\phi(M)$ is $C^\infty$ (e.g., see Thm. 3.6 in Chap. 2 of Hirsch's book). Then $\phi(M)$ is going to have a tubular neighborhood $U$ in the standard sense, obtained by applying the inverse function theorem to the exponential map (or taking the union of all sufficiently short normal vectors), and $\phi^{-1}(U)$ yields the desired tubular neighborhood of $M$ (which will be $C^1$-diffeomorphic to the normal bundle).

An example of a $C^1$ submanifold without a neighborhood fibrated by normals may be constructed as follows. Take an ellipse in $R^2$, which is not a circle, and let $M$ be the inner parallel curve of the ellipse which passes through the foci. Then $M$ will be $C^1$, but it will not have a tubular neighborhood in the geometric sense. Indeed, the nearest point projection map into $M$ will not be one-to-one in any neighborhood of $M$.

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