[Math] triangulations of torus, general, and Euler number. (Hopefully more interesting/relevant)


Hi, everyone:

I have been going over some simplicial homology recently, hoping to get
some geometric insight that I don't know how to get from the algebraic
machinery alone.

I have been trying to find the homology of the torus this way, i.e., by
triangulating it ( i.e., finding a carrier for the torus), but the smallest
triangulation I have been able to do , has 18 triangles/faces –I checked it works;
there are 8 vertices and 26 edges.
Still: does anyone know of a simpler triangulation, ie., one with a smaller total
number of triangles (and, of course, fewer vertices and edges resp.). ?

I had tried the long shot of solving the very simple equation:

V-E+F =0

in positive integers.

but this alone does not seem to help . Any ideas.?. Any ideas for
finding minimal triangulations of surfaces, or higher-dimensional manifolds.?


Best Answer

If you're just looking to glue triangles together along their edges, you can do it with two triangles, glued together to form a square, and then with opposite sides of the square glued to form a torus in the usual way. The resulting mesh has one vertex and three edges.

But if the triangles have to form a simplicial complex (meaning that the intersection of any two triangles is empty, a single vertex, or an edge) then I think the smallest mesh for a torus has 14 triangles, connected to each other in the pattern of the Heawood graph. The resulting mesh has seven vertices and 21 edges. It can be embedded into space as the Császár polyhedron.

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