General Topology – Totally Disconnected and Zero-Dimensional Spaces


When do the notions of totally disconnected space and zero-dimensional space coincide? From what I gather, there are at least three common notions of topological dimension: covering dimension, small inductive dimension, and large inductive dimension. A secondary question, then, would be to what extent and under what assumptions the three different definitions of zero-dimensional coincide. For example, Wikipedia claims that a space has covering dimension zero if and only if it has large inductive dimension zero, and that a Hausdorff locally compact space is totally disconnected if and only if it is zero-dimensional, but I can't track down their source and would like to understand the proofs. I would appreciate any explanation, or a reference, since this is a pretty textbookish question.

Best Answer

Just to agree on notation: A space is zero-dimensional if it is $T_1$ and has a basis consisting of clopen sets, and totally disconnected if the quasicomponents of all points (intersections of all clopen neighborhoods) are singletons. A space is hereditarily disconnected if no subspace is connected, i.e., if the components of all points are singletons. (Edit: There seems to be disagreement about the names of these properties. Often what I call hereditarily disconnected is called totally disconnected and what I call totally disconnected is then called totally separated.)

Note that zero-dimensionality implies Hausdorffness. Zero-dimensional implies totally disconnected since every point can be separated from every other point by a clopen set.
Totally disconnected implies hereditarily disconnected: given a set $A$ with at least two points, one point is not in the quasi-component of the other and hence the two points can be separated by a clopen set. Hence the set $A$ is not connected. This shows that the space is hereditarily disconnected.

On the other hand, if $X$ is locally compact and hereditarily disconnected, take $x\in X$ and let $U$ be an open set containing $x$.
By local compactness, find an open neighborhood $V\subseteq U$ of $x$ whose closure $\overline V$ is compact.
In a compact space, components and quasi-components coincide and hence the quasi-component of $x$ in $\overline V$ is $\{x\}$ (you don't need this if you are not interested in hereditary disconnected spaces but just totally disconnected ones). Using compactness again, there are finitely many clopen subsets $C_1\dots,C_n$ of $\overline V$ such that $x\in C_1\cap\dots\cap C_n\subseteq V$. The intersection of the $C_i$ is closed in $X$ since this intersection is compact. It is open in $X$ since it is open in $V$ and $V$ is open in $X$.
This shows that the clopen subsets of $X$ form a basis.
Hence $X$ is zero-dimensional.

Edit: As suggested by Joseph Van Name, I include a proof that in a compact space the components coincide with the quasi-components.

Let $X$ be a compact space and $x\in X$. The component $C$ of $x$ is the union of all connected subsets of $X$ containing $x$. If $A\subseteq X$ is clopen and $x\in A$, then the component of $x$ is contained in $A$. It follows that the component of $x$ is contained in the quasi-component $Q$ of $x$.

In order to show that the component $C$ and the quasi-component $Q$ coincide, it is now enough to show that $Q$ is connected. Observe that $Q$ is closed in $X$ and thus compact. Now suppose that $Q$ is not connected. Then there are nonempty, relatively open subsets $A$ and $B$ of $Q$ such that $A\cap B=\emptyset$ and $A\cup B=Q$. Note that $A$ and $B$ are relatively closed in $Q$ and hence compact. Hence $A$ and $B$ are closed in $X$.
Two disjoint closed sets in a compact space can be separated by open subsets, i.e., there are disjoint open sets $U,V\subseteq X$ such that $A\subseteq U$ and $B\subseteq V$.

We have $$Q=\bigcap\{F\subseteq X:F\mbox{ is clopen and }x\in F\}$$ and thus $$\bigcap\{F\subseteq X:F\mbox{ is clopen and }x\in F\}\cap(X\setminus(U\cup V))=\emptyset.$$ By compactness there are finitely many clopen sets $F_1,\dots,F_n$ containing $x$ such that $$F_1\cap\dots\cap F_n\cap(X\setminus(U\cup V))=\emptyset.$$ Let $F=F_1\cap\dots\cap F_n$.
$F$ is clopen and we have $Q\subseteq F\subseteq U\cup V$.

We have $$\overline{U\cap F}\subseteq\overline U\cap F=\overline U\cap(U\cup V)\cap F=U\cap F.$$ It follows that $U\cap F$ is clopen in $X$. We may assume $x\in A$. Since $B$ is nonempty, there is some $y\in B$. But now $y\not\in U\cap F$. It follows that $y$ is not in the quasi-component of $x$, a contradiction.

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