[Math] Topologically homogeneous space


I want to know an example of a topological space $X$ which satisfies the following.

  • for all points $x,y\in X$ and neighborhoods $U_x$, $U_y$, there exist neighborhoods $U'_x\subset U_x$, $U'_y\subset U_y$ of $x$ and $y$ that are homeomorphic (the homeomorphism does not have to map $x$ to $y$).

  • $X$ has some kind of good conditions, i.e Hausdorff, locally connected, locally compact, second countable, etc.

  • **X is not locally Euclidean ** (i.e., not a topological manifold)

I can't find the good example.

In fact, one goal of my question is this:
"How can I make locally euclidean property from other topological properties."

Best Answer

An infinite dimensional torus $X = \prod_{n=1}^\infty S^1$ has all these properties. It's a topological group, so certainly homogeneous. It is compact, metrizable, connected, locally connected, and second countable. But it is not locally Euclidean.