[Math] Topological Conformal Field Theories.


Hi there!

My question is simple, and I hope you don't misunderstand it. Why should one care about Topological Conformal Field Theories? What are the motivations to study it? I mean, for example: Topological Quantum Field Theories are important because they yield invariants of manifolds and non-trivial representations of the Mapping Class Group of a surface.

Thank you!

Best Answer

The basic problem here is the naming rather than the object itself. The name TCFT as far as I understand indicates that it's a topological field theory, whose origin is in conformal field theory. Namely there is a construction (a "topological twist") starting from an $N=2$ supersymmetric conformal field theory in two dimensions, that produces a topological field theory (in fact two, the A- and B-twists). This is a special case of a general theory of topological twists of SUSY quantum field theories, which is by far the predominant source of topological quantum field theories as far as I know, including many of the most interesting ones coming from SUSY gauge theories in four dimensions (these are sometimes called "TFTs of Witten type" as opposed to the very rare Schwarz type, like Chern-Simons theory, which come with a manifestly topological formulation).

Now when we say "TFT" here it is at a more refined chain level than the classical Atiyah-Segal axiomatic definition --- a synonym for TCFT in the sense of say Costello's beautiful paper on the subject is differential graded TFT. This means roughly that the theory is topological on a derived level -- its outputs are topologically invariant up to coherent homotopies. (This is the kind of refined topological invariance one always gets out of twisting SUSY field theory.)

What makes this very confusing initially is it seems conformal structures on a Riemann surface are playing an essential role: TCFT is defined in terms of chains on moduli spaces of complex structures. However this is a red herring (unless you are interested in the CFT origin of the construction) -- the moduli of complex structures is just playing the role of a nice model for the classifying space $BDiff(\Sigma)$ of topological surfaces, and everything can be said purely topologically (as it is in Hopkins-Lurie's work on the Cobordism Hypothesis). So really we are just defining a TFT on the chain level, in families (ie universally over moduli of topological surfaces). (This is a perspective I learned from Segal and Teleman and Freed and Costello, see Lurie's manuscript on TFTs for the contemporary perspective.)