[Math] Thurston’s senior thesis at New College


I've been collecting some of the many unpublished manuscripts of Bill Thurston over the years. His recent passing inspired me to ask the following. I've seen a number of references (for instance, in his wikipedia biography here) to a senior thesis that he wrote when he was a student at New College in Florida which concerns intuitionist foundations for mathematics. Does anyone happen to have a copy of this that they could either post electronically or mail to me?

EDIT : This was originally a comment, but I thought I'd move it up here because it might be of wider interest. Thurston made an interesting blog comment about his early philosophical interests here. An excerpt : "BTW, I was very taken by Kleene’s book on Foundations of Mathematics when I was in college, and it motivated me to write a senior thesis on intuitionist topology. I thought I might become an intuitionist logician, but when I approached Tarski to advise me, he said that Berkeley wasn’t a good place for intuitionism, so I went into topology instead."

Best Answer

I've emailed you a pdf copy of "A Constructive Foundation for Topology" by Bill Thurston (June 14, 1967; New College Senior Thesis; submitted to Roger Renne).

In consideration of the comments above, I'm hesitant to post the file in a publicly accessible location. Perhaps the mathoverflow community can figure out whether such a posting would be appropriate.