[Math] the strongest, most natural, conjectural form of Langlands


This is inspired by my previous question:
What is the precise relationship between Langlands and Tannakian formalism?

As well as the excellent link that Tom Leinster put in a comment to that thread: http://golem.ph.utexas.edu/category/2010/08/what_is_the_langlands_programm.html

It seems that people are reluctant to say a form of Langlands that is too strong, but as consequence the statement is less natural, and more convoluted. So here I prefer that the statement be natural and bold rather than unnatural (for example, I consider the statement that each $L$ function coming from Galois representations is the $L$ function of some automorphic form to be unnatural).


What is the strongest, most natural statement of Langlands? It would be nice if you can give a short definition of the words you use, but I am mostly interested in the narrative (each this has a blah, to each blah is a this, this is associated to this category by blah, and this is conjectured to be an equivalent category to blah, and so forth)

Words like: stack, motive, Tannakian, motivic Galois group, L-packets are encouraged. (of this list $L$-packets are by far the thing I know the least about)

This is subjective, so community wiki it is.

Best Answer

I am confused by your negative reaction to a putative assertion that every Galois repn's L-function is automorphic (perhaps meaning that it is the standard L-function attached to a cuspidal automorphic form on some $GL_n$ over $\mathbb Q$, and, thus, has the expected analytic continuation and functional equation). To me, various forms of the assertion that every motivic L-function is automorphic (with what is implied...) is one of the best capsulizations of "L's conjectures".

Ok, yes, this does mostly disregard the obvious intuitive senses of "functoriality", refering to putative maps/correspondences of afms on one group to another. And, yes, we know (potential modularity etc: Harris-Taylor's Sato-Tate, et alia) that just a lil' bit of "modularity" goes a long way...

I think that combining the "raw" conjectural ideas with the other dose of conjecture, namely, about existence of a group whose tensor/Tannakian/whatever category is ... automorphic forms...?... may add enough ambiguity to leave it all tooo ambiguous. Or, perhaps, those things will provoke someone's imagination?

But, seriously, two operational components come to mind: motivic L-functions are automorphic, and, "functoriality" is valid for automorphic L-functions.