[Math] the story behind the Chebyshev polynomials


Is there anything reliable known about who actually discovered the Chebyshev polynomials and what the motivation and circumstances were?

The reason why I am interested in knowing, is that I needed a solution for a variant of those polynomials: instead of all extrema having the same magnitude, I wanted to have them attain predefined values in a fixed order (I have found a solution for that problem, but involves a system of polynomial equations) and I wonder, whether the definition of the Chebyshev polynomials has been "guessed" or developed for a specific problem.


at the request of @Hans, here is formal definition of my problem:
given a sequence $(y_1,\ …\ y_{n-1}), (y_{i+2}-y_{i+1})(y_{i+1}-y_i)<0$ of values, determine a polynomial $p(x)$ of degree $n$ and, $\ n$-$1$ abszissas $\ \xi_1 <,\ …,\ <\xi_{n-1}$, so that $\ p(\xi_i)=y_i, p'(\xi_i)=0$

It should be noted that the polynomials that I am looking for, have no special properties, except for the predefined values in the extrema.
The leading coefficient can be set to $1$ and the constant term to $0$.
$$\ $$

Construction of polynomials with predefined sequence of function-values for its local extrema:

we can w.l.o.g. assume that the sought polynomial has leading coefficient $1$, a local extremum in the origin and, that all other local extrema are located at positive abszissas. Then polynomial is
$$p(x) =\frac{1}{n}\int x\prod_{i=2}^{n-1}(x-\xi_i)$$
would a be system of polynomial equations for determining the $\xi_i$ and thus $p(x)$; the only problem being that, because of the symmetry, in the current formulation there is no control over the ordering of the $y(\xi_i)$.
That can however easily be fixed by defining $$\xi_k=\sum_{i=2}^{k}a_i^2$$
and solving the system of polynomial equations

Best Answer

The Chebyshev polynomials first appeared in his paper Théorie des mécanismes connus sous le nom de parallélogrammes (1854). The remarkable "mechanisms" described in this work can be seen in action here (click on each picture to activate it).

The context is described in MacTutor:

Chebyshev was probably the first mathematician to recognise the general concept of orthogonal polynomials. A few particular orthogonal polynomials were known before his work. Legendre and Laplace had encountered the Legendre polynomials in their work on celestial mechanics in the late eighteenth century. Laplace had found and studied the Hermite polynomials in the course of his discoveries in probability theory during the early nineteenth century. It was Chebyshev who saw the possibility of a general theory and its applications. His work arose out of the theory of least squares approximation and probability; he applied his results to interpolation, approximate quadrature and other areas.

For a more extensive account of the history of this discovery, see The theory of best approximation of functions.

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