[Math] the point of reading classics over modern treatments


There seems to be a good number of mathematicians who recommend reading "classic" works in a given field (where the term "classic" is in the sense defined below). Indeed, there are many well written classic texts, for instance

  • anything by Milnor, including some papers like "Group of Homotopy Spheres, I."
  • Weyl, The concept of a Riemann surface
  • Pontryagin, Topological Group

By "classic" text I loosely mean an old text written by the person who came up with the theory/idea or at least has made a major contribution somewhere very close to the subject of the book.

From a practical viewpoint, there are both advantages and disadvantages for reading the classics. Here are some that come to mind:


  • Reading the text gives a view of how the theory was originally created. (Thus by observing this, one may try to emulate the master's creative mindset.)

  • By knowing that one is learning the theory "from the horse's mouth," one can have a peace of mind.


  • The terminology may be archaic. (e.g. A Course in Pure Mathematics by Hardy)
  • The exposition may be presented in a cumbersome manner in view of modern machinery.

In particular, the "Cons" listed above result in more work and time spent on understanding the material than when reading a more modern textbook.

Edit: Per helpful comments (by @Geoff Robinson and @Francesco Polizzi) I am going to change my question to the following:

My Question. What are things one might learn from reading the classics that one would not gain from modern treatments?

Best Answer

The question implies that there are pros and cons to reading classics, but only pros to reading the modern treatment. This seems contentious.

For instance 'The exposition may be presented in a cumbersome manner in view of modern machinery.' might seem to make sense, but it requires you to learn the modern machinery. Is the correct way to talk about orientability of a manifold to talk about homology with local coefficients? Maybe. If a beginner asks what orientability means, do you start by defining modules over group rings over fundamental groups? I think not.

Similarly, 'The terminology may be archaic.' is only a critique if you know all the modern terminology and none of the classical. Maybe Weyl's Riemann Surface book is useless to algebraic geometers of today, but I don't really know what a scheme is, so many modern books are useless to me (in fact, it often goes the other way, if there's some modern math I don't understand I try to find an old master who wrote before/during the time the terminology is being hashed out).