[Math] the origin of the term magma


Wikipedia credits Bourbaki with coining it, but doesn't provide a source. Does anyone happen to know the motivation for using this term?

Best Answer

The second definition in http://www.larousse.com/en/dictionnaires/francais/magma/48543 would seem to answer your question and agrees with the wiki page.

Update: here is what the link said to avoid broken links as YCor pointed out.

nom masculin (latin magma, résidu, du grec magma)

Mélange formant une masse pâteuse, épaisse : Magma informe.

Mélange confus, inextricable de choses abstraites : Ces propositions constituent un magma incohérent.

Matériau constitué de liquide et de cristaux en proportions variables, qui se forme à l'intérieur de la Terre et qui, en refroidissant, forme une roche.