[Math] The non-traveling mathematician problem


This is a career question. I have just begun a research postdoc position in Southern California. It has been hard, but I've enjoyed teaching my first graduate courses and working on research and publishing.

From talking to other mathematicians, I've realized more and more that traveling to conferences a lot is an important part of being a research mathematician. But I don't want a job where I have to be gone from my wife and children on a regular basis. So research positions seem out of the question.

So what are my options? I learned the hard way applying for jobs last year that companies aren't looking for bright young mathematicians who could learn stats, programming, etc. quickly when there are people with bachelors and masters in these areas who already have real-life experience. I know how to program in a few languages.

Thus, the clearest option seems to be a university position with a focus on teaching over research. But, it may be that such schools also would require regular travel. That's one reason I'm asking this question.

1. What are the best options for a job not requiring travel given that I am a mathematician (in a non-applied area) with a great teaching record, an okay publishing record, and some computer science background, and
2. What can I do now so that I can get such a job when I apply in a year or two? No matter what, I'll work on publishing and teaching now because that's why I was hired; but what else can I work on?

Thank you your help!

Best Answer

Teaching/research job in any University (in a research oriented department or teaching-oriented department) DOES NOT require a lot of travel. Invitations to conferences or seminar talks come indeed but this does not mean you have to go, if you don't want to. Traveling to two conferences per year (usually one week or less) and/or 1-2 seminar talks per year (for one day) will be sufficient. Even if you do not travel at all, this is not going to hurt seriously your research career. People travel a lot because they like to travel:-)