[Math] The most outrageous (or ridiculous) conjectures in mathematics


The purpose of this question is to collect the most outrageous (or ridiculous) conjectures in mathematics.

An outrageous conjecture is qualified ONLY if:

1) It is most likely false

(Being hopeless is NOT enough.)

2) It is not known to be false

3) It was published or made publicly before 2006.

4) It is Important:

(It is based on some appealing heuristic or idea;
refuting it will be important etc.)

5) IT IS NOT just the negation of a famous commonly believed conjecture.

As always with big list problems please make one conjecture per answer. (I am not sure this is really a big list question, since I am not aware of many such outrageous conjectures. I am aware of one wonderful example that I hope to post as an answer in a couple of weeks.)

Very important examples where the conjecture was believed as false when it was made but this is no longer the consensus may also qualify!

Shmuel Weinberger described various types of mathematical conjectures. And the type of conjectures the question proposes to collect is of the kind:

On other times, I have conjectured to lay down the gauntlet: “See,

you can’t even disprove this ridiculous idea."

Summary of answers (updated: March, 13, 2017 February 27, 2020):

  1. Berkeley Cardinals exist

  2. There are at least as many primes between $2$ to $n+1$ as there are between $k$ to $n+k-1$

  3. P=NP

  4. A super exact (too good to be true) estimate for the number of twin primes below $n$.

  5. Peano Arithmetic is inconsistent.

  6. The set of prime differences has intermediate Turing degree.

  7. Vopěnka's principle.

  8. Siegel zeros exist.

  9. All rationally connected varieties are unirational.

  10. Hall's original conjecture (number theory).

  11. Siegel's disk exists.

  12. The telescope conjecture in homotopy theory.

  13. Tarski's monster do not exist (settled by Olshanski)

  14. All zeros of the Riemann zeta functions have rational imaginary part.

  15. The Lusternik-Schnirelmann category of $Sp(n)$ equals $2n-1$.

  16. The finitistic dimension conjecture for finite dimensional algebras.

  17. The implicit graph conjecture (graph theory, theory of computing)

  18. $e+\pi$ is rational.

  19. Zeeman's collapsing conjecture.

  20. All groups are sofic.

(From comments, incomplete list) 21. The Jacobian conjecture; 22. The Berman–Hartmanis conjecture 23. The Casas-Alvero conjecture 24. An implausible embedding into $L$ (set theory). 25. There is a gap of at most $\log n$ between threshold and expectation threshold (Update: a slightly weaker version of this conjecture was proved by Keith Frankston, Jeff Kahn, Bhargav Narayanan, and Jinyoung Park!; Further update: the conjecture was fully proved by Jinyoung Park and Huy Tuan Pham ). 26. NEXP-complete problems are solvable by logarithmic depth, polynomial-size circuits consisting entirely of mod 6 gates. 27. Fermat had a marvelous proof for Fermat's last theorem. (History of mathematics).

Best Answer

A long-standing conjecture in Number Theory is that for each positive integer $n$ there is no stretch of $n$ consecutive integers containing more primes than the stretch from 2 to $n+1$. Just looking at a table of primes and seeing how they thin out is enough to make the conjecture plausible.

But Hensley and Richards (Primes in intervals, Acta Arith 25 (1973/74) 375-391, MR0396440) proved that this conjecture is incompatible with an equally long-standing conjecture, the prime $k$-tuples conjecture.

The current consensus, I believe, is that prime $k$-tuples is true, while the first conjecture is false (but not proved to be false).