[Math] the minimal size of a partial order that is universal for all partial orders of size n


A partial order $\mathbb{B}$ is universal for a class $\cal{P}$ of partial orders if every order in $\cal{P}$ embeds
order-preservingly into $\mathbb{B}$.

For example, every partial order
$\langle\mathbb{P},\lt\rangle$ maps order-preservingly into
its power set by the map
$$p\mapsto\{q\in\mathbb{P}\mid q\leq p\}$$ that sends each element $p$ to its
lower cone.

Thus, the power set order $\langle
P(\{1,2,\ldots,n\}),{\subseteq}\rangle$ is universal for
the class of partial orders of size $n$. This provides an
order of size $2^n$ that is universal for orders of size

Question. What is the minimal size of a partial
order that is universal for orders of size $n$?

In particular, is there a polynomial upper bound?

One can make at least slight improvements to the $2^n$
upper bound, by observing that the emptyset was not needed,
as it never arises as a lower cone, and we don't need all
the atoms, since if they are needed, then one can use the
co-atoms instead. I suspect that there is a lot of waste in
the power set order, but the best upper bound I know is
still exponential.

For a lower bound, my current knowledge is weak and far
from exponential. Any order that is universal for orders of
size $n$ will contain a chain and an antichain, making it
have size at least $2n-1$. (That bound is exact for $n\leq
3$.) A student in my intro logic course extended this to
$n\log(n)$ by considering $k$ chains (and antichains) of size

Can one find better lower bounds?

Interestingly, the same student observed that we cannot in
general expect to find unique smallest universal orders,
since he found several orders of size 5 that are
universal for orders of size 3 and which are minimal with
that property. So in general, we cannot expect a unique
optimal universal order. Does this phenomenon occur for
every $n$? (He also found minimal universal orders of size larger than the minimal size universal order.)

Best Answer

Denote by $F(n)$ the number of different partial orders on the set of cardinality $n$. Then the minimal size $N$ of a partial order that is universal for orders of size $n$ satisfies $\binom{N}{n}\geq F(n)$. We may bound $F(n)$ from below as follows (for simplicity I assume that $n$ is even): take $n/2$ blue elements and $n/2$ red elements, then decide for each pair of red and blue elements $r_i$, $b_j$, whether $r_i > b_j$ or not. We get $2^{n^2/4}$ partial orders, and each isomorphism class is counted at most $n!$ times. So, $N^n/n!> \binom{N}{n}\geqslant F(n)\geqslant 2^{n^2/4}/n!$, thus $N>2^{n/4}$.

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