[Math] the minimal degree of a smooth projective embedding of a hyperelliptic curve


(partly motivated by this question, but different: Degree of a Variety)

For a hyperelliptic curve $C$ of genus $g$ (over an algebraically closed field of characteristic not two) what is the smallest $d$ for which $C$ can be embedded in some $\mathbb{P}^n$ (I guess $n=3$ wlog) as a smooth curve of degree $d$? Does it depend only on $g$? Can anything be said for an arbitrary curve?

Best Answer

Felipe, I believe the answer here is d=g+3. To see that you can embed your curve in this degree is straightforward - just choose a generic line bundle of degree g+3 and it will work.

In the case of hyperelliptic curves, I don't think you can do better. The key point is that any special linear series on a hyperelliptic curve comes from taking a multiple of the pullback of O(1) on P^1 together with some base points. (You can find this fact in Arbarello-Cornalba-Griffiths-Harris.) Since these cannot give rise to embeddings (either have base points or the associated map factors through the hyperelliptic involution) we conclude the the embedding line bundle has no H^1. The Riemann-Roch gives g+3 as the lower bound for having 4 sections.

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