Krull Dimension of the Ring of Holomorphic Functions on a Complex Manifold


Consider a connected holomorphic manifold $X$ and its ring of holomorphic functions $\mathcal O(X).$
My general question is simply: in which cases is the Krull dimension $\dim \mathcal O(X)$ known?

Of course if $X$ is compact $\mathcal O(X)=\mathbb C$ and that dimension is $0$.
There are also quite a lot of non-compact manifolds with $\mathcal O(Z)=\mathbb C$:
For example if $X$ is connected of dimension $\geq 2$ and $Y\subset X$ is an analytic subset of codimension at least $2$ ( or a small compact ball) , you will still have $\mathcal O(X\setminus Y)=\mathbb C$ .

But apart from these trivial examples I can't compute a single Krull dimension $dim \mathcal O(X)$ for, say, Stein manifolds of positive dimension.

Just in order to ask something definite, let me pose the ridiculous-sounding question:

Does there exist a connected holomorphic manifold $X$ with $0\lt \dim \mathcal O(X)\lt \infty$ ?

Best Answer

It follows from the proof in Sasane's paper that Krull dimension of a (connected) complex manifold $M$ is infinite iff $M$ admits a nonconstant holomorphic function $F: M\to {\mathbb C}$. Namely, using Sard's theorem find a sequence of points $a_k \in F(M)$ which are regular values of $F$ and so that $(a_k)$ converges to a point in $({\mathbb C}\cup \infty) \setminus F(M)$. Then, pick regular points $b_k\in V_k:=F^{-1}(a_k)$ of $F$ and define multiplicity of zero for a holomorphic function $h: M\to {\mathbb C}$ with respect to the germ of $V_k$ at $b_k$. (I.e., multiplicity of $h$ is determined by the largest $m$ so that $h=(F-a_k)^m g$ on the level of germs at $b_k$.) Now, the same proof as in Sasane's paper goes through, where you will be using functions $f_n\circ F$ instead of Sasane's functions $f_n$. The point is that Sasane's argument is essentially local at zeroes of the functions $f_n$. Actually, what Sasane proves is a lemma about a commutative ring $R$ with a sequence of valuations $m_k$ for which there exists a sequence of elements $f_i\in R$ so that $m_k(f_i)$ grows slower than $m_k(f_{i+1})$ for every $i$ as $k\to \infty$ (more precisely, in his case, the growth rate of $m_k(f_i)$ is $k^{i+1}$). Under this assumption, Krull dimension of $R$ is infinite.

Edit: I finally wrote a detailed proof here.

Edit. I wrote a proof that the Krull dimension of $H(M)$ (when it is positive) has cardinality at least continuum. The new proof uses surreal numbers instead of ultralimits. For the sake of completeness I am keeping the older proof as well.

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