[Math] the generic poset used in forcing, really


I'm not a set theorist, but I understand the 'pop' version of set-theoretic forcing: in analogy with algebra, we can take a model of a set theory, and an 'indeterminate' (which is some poset), and add it to the theory and then complete to a model with the desired properties. I understand the category theoretic version better, which is to take sheaves (valued in a given category $Set$) over said poset with a given Grothendieck topology (the double negation topology). The resulting topos is again a model of set theory, but now has the properties you want, absent from the original $Set$.

But what is this poset, really? Is it the poset of subobjects of the set you want to append to your theory/model (say a set of a specified cardinality, or some tree with a property)? Is it related to a proof of the property you are interested in? To clarify, I'm not interested in the mechanical definition of an appropriate generic poset, but what it is morally. Bonus points for saying what it 'is' before and after forcing, if this even makes sense.

Best Answer

The other answers are excellent, but let me augment them by offering an intuitive explanation of the kind you seem to seek.

In most forcing arguments, the main idea is to construct a partial order out of conditions that each consist of a tiny part of the generic object that we would like to add; each condition should make a tiny promise about what the new generic object will be like. The generic filter in effect provides a way to bundle these promises together into a coherent whole having the desired properties.

For example, with the Cohen forcing $\text{Add}(\omega,\theta)$, we want to add $\theta$ many new subsets of $\omega$, in order to violate CH, say. So we use conditions that specify finitely many bits in a $\omega\times\theta$ matrix of zeros and ones. Each condition makes a finite promise about how the entire matrix will be completed. The union of all conditions in the generic filter is a complete filling-in of the matrix. Genericity guarantees that each column of this matrix is a new real not present in the ground model and different from all other columns, since any finite condition can be extended so as to disagree on any particular column with any particular real or from any particular other column.

With the collapse forcing $\text{Coll}(\omega,\kappa)$, we want to add a new surjective function $f:\omega\to\kappa$. So we use conditions consisting of the finite partial functions $p:\omega\to\kappa$, ordered by extension. Each such condition is a tiny piece of the generic function we want to add, describing finitely much of it. The union of the generic filter provides a total function $g:\omega\to \kappa$, and the genericity of the filter will guarantee that $g$ is surjective, since for any $\alpha<\kappa$, any condition $p$ can be extended to a stronger condition having $\alpha$ in the range.

And similarly with many other forcing arguments. We design the partial order to consist of tiny pieces of the object that we are trying to add, each of which makes a small promise about the generic object. If $G$ is a generic filter for this partial order, then the union of $G$ is the joint collection of all these promises.

In many forcing arguments, it is not enough just to build a partial order consisting of tiny pieces of the desired object, since one also wants to know that the forcing preserves other features. For example, we want to know that the forcing does not inadvertently collapse cardinals or that it can be iterated without collapsing cardinals. This adds a wrinkle to the idea above, since one wants to use tiny pieces of the generic object, but impose other requirements on the conditions that will ensure that the partial order has a nice chain-condition or is proper and so on. So the design of a forcing notion is often a trade-off between these requirements---one must find a balance between simple-mindedly added pieces of the desired generic object and ensuring that the partial order has sufficient nice properties that it doesn't destroy too much.

In this sense, I would say that the difficult part of most forcing arguments is not the mastery of the forcing technology, the construction of the generic filter and of the model---although that aspect of forcing is indeed nontrivial---but rather it is the detailed design of the partial order to achieve the desired effect.