[Math] the easiest randomized algorithm to motivate to the layperson

algorithmscomputational complexity

When trying to explain complexity theory to laypeople, I often mention randomized algorithms but seemingly lack good examples to motivate their usage. I often want to mention primality testing but the standard randomized algorithms don't admit a simple description (or proof of correctness) in a lay-atmosphere. I often resort to the saying that randomized algorithms allow "finding hay in a haystack", but that has little mathematical substance.

The question: Is there a good example of a problem that:

  • is easily explained (and sufficiently interesting)

  • has a simple randomized algorithm

  • appears non-trivial to get an efficient deterministic algorithm

and ideally also satisfies:

  • the randomized algorithm has a somewhat understandable proof of correctness – so no Markov/Chernoff/random-walk-mixing-times

Best Answer

Michael, how about approximating the volume of some shape in $\Re^n$ by sampling random points?

This example has the following advantages:

  • It seems easy enough to explain at a cocktail party (depending, of course, on the guests).

  • It's used constantly in "real life" (indeed, pretty much any Monte Carlo simulation in physics, etc. could be interpreted as solving this problem).

  • We don't know how to derandomize it. Indeed, the problem is easily seen to be PromiseBPP-complete (assuming of course that whether a point $x \in \Re^n$ belongs to the shape is decidable in polynomial time).

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