[Math] The characteristic (indicator) function of a set is not in the Sobolev space H¹


Is it true that the characteristic
(indicator) function of a subset of
Euclidean space with finite positive
measure is never in the Sobolev space
$H^1 = W^{1,2}$? And if so, what is the best/easiest/most elementary way to see this?


I have this on good authority (it is stated in a decent textbook). However, I have had no joy in showing this to be the case myself. Due to its placement in the aforementioned textbook as the first exercise at the end of a chapter about $H^1$, it feels like it oughtn't be difficult to show, but a group of my friends and I had no luck. It is bugging me now.

[Though I am a student taking a course based on the textbook, this is not ‘homework’; I will not be graded on it in any way and I have attempted the problem myself.]

Best Answer

One reason is this: if $f$ is in $H^1({\mathbb R^n})$, you have $\int_{\mathbb R^n}|f(x+h)-f(x)|^2 dx\le C|h|^2$ for all $h \in{\mathbb R^n}$ . Now in the case of $f:=\chi_E$ the integral is just the $L^1$ distance, $\|\chi_E - \chi_{E-h}\|_1$. By the triangular inequality, for any positive integer m and any h as above one gets

$\|\chi_E -\chi_{E-h}\|_1 \le$

$\sum_{j=0}^{m-1}\|\chi_{E - \frac{j}{m} h } - \chi_{E-\frac {j+1}{m}h}\|_1 \le$


whence $\|\chi_E - \chi_{E-h}\|_1=0$ for all $h$. This is impossible since for $|h|\to\infty$ it converges to 2meas(E).