[Math] the Cayley projective plane


One can build a projective plane from $\Bbb R^n$, $\Bbb C^n$ and $\Bbb H^n$ and is then tempted to do the same for octonions. This leads to the construction of a projective plane known as $\Bbb OP^2$, the Cayley projective plane.

What are the references for the properties of the Cayley projective plane? In particular, I would like to know its (co)homology and homotopy groups.

Also, what geometric intuition works when working with this object? Does the intuition from real projective space transfer well or does the non-associativity make a large difference? For example, I would like to know why one could have known that there is no $\Bbb OP^3$.

Best Answer

As I recall, the Cayley projective plane is painful to build, but it is a 2-cell complex, with an 8-cell and a 16-cell. The cohomology is Z[x]/(x^3) where x has degree 8, as you would expect. Its homotopy is unapproachable, because it is just two spheres stuck together, so you would pretty much have to know the homotopy groups of the spheres to know it. The attaching map of the 16-cell is a map of Hopf invariant one, from S^15 to S^8, the last such element.

I think the real reason that the Cayley projective plane exists is because any subalgebra of the octonions that is generated by 2 elements is associative. That is just enough associativity to construct the projective plane, but not enough to construct projective 3-space. And this is why you should not expect there to be a projective plane for the sedonions (the 16-dimensional algebra that is to the octonions what the octonions are to the quaternions), because every time you do the doubling construction you lose more, and in particular it is no longer true that every subalgebra of the sedonions that is generated by 2 elements is associative.