[Math] the average center of six points in space


I have three pairs of points in 3D space. These may or may not be coplanar. I want to find a point such that it is equidistant from each pair of points. I know that may or may not be possible depending on the positions of the points. What I want is the best average point, which I can take safely as the centre and draw a sphere from there whose radius is the maximum distance of this point from any of the six points, then I want all the points to remain inside the sphere.

Best Answer

Distance from a pair of points instead of from each one of a pair of points does not seem to be well defined. However, you could simply take the centroid of all six points (add the coordinates and divide by 6 in each axis), then compute the distance to each of the six points, and use the maximum for the radius of the sphere. It is not clear how you want us to use the fact that the points come in pairs instead of six single points.