[Math] Tamely ramified p-adic Galois representations


The following question came up in a discussion with a colleague about local Galois representations:

To what extent is the classification of continuous $p$-adic representations
of $G_{\mathbf{Q}_{\ell}}$ for $\ell\neq p$ similar to the classification of
tamely ramified $p$-adic representations for $\ell=p$?

More precisely, let $\rho: G_{\mathbf{Q}_{\ell}}\rightarrow \mathrm{GL}_n(\mathbf{Q}_p)$ be a (continuous) $p$-adic representation. If $\ell\neq p$, then Grothendieck proved (using the observation that such a representation kills an open subgroup of wild inertia) that $\rho$
is determined by the associated Weil-Deligne representation (see, for example,
the notes of Brinon and Conrad, pg. 111, or Taylor's 2002 ICM article).

When $\ell=p$ and $\rho$ is trivial on the wild inertia subgroup, is it the
case that $\rho$ is necessarily de Rham?

What seems clear to me is that if one assumes that $\rho$ is Hodge-Tate, then the only Hodge-Tate
weight is zero. If indeed $\rho$ were de Rham = pst, then the associated filtered $(\phi,N)$-module
would have trivial filtration, and so one “ought" to be able to recover it from
the attached Weil-Deligne representation. In other words, the classification of $p$-adic
representations of $G_{\mathbf{Q}_{\ell}}$ for $\ell\neq p$ is literally the same
as the case $\ell=p$, provided one throws in the (rather drastic) condition that wild inertia
is killed (or at least some open subgroup of it is killed).

Does this sound correct?

Best Answer

It's true that if $\rho$ is tamely ramified, then $\rho$ is de Rham. In fact, it's even potentially crystalline with all Hodge-Tate weights equal to 0.

First, note that $\rho(I_{\mathbb Q_p})$ is finite. The reason is that the image of $\rho$ lands in $GL_n(\mathbb Z_p)$, which has a pro-$p$ subgroup of finite index, namely the principal congruence subgroup $1+pM_n(\mathbb Z_p)$. Since $I_{\mathbb Q_p} \to GL_n(\mathbb Z_p)$ factors through a prime-to-$p$ group (tame inertia) by assumption, $\rho(I_{\mathbb Q_p})$ injects into $GL_n(\mathbb F_p)$, hence it is finite.

It follows that there is a finite extension $K/\mathbb Q_p$ such that $\rho|_{I_K}$ is trivial. (The kernel of ($\rho$ restricted to $I_{{\mathbb Q}_p}$) corresponds to a finite (tame) extension of $\mathbb Q_p^{nr}$ and we can choose $K$ such that that extension is contained in $\mathbb Q_p^{nr} \cdot K$.)

It's a general fact that $\rho|_{I_K}$ crystalline implies $\rho|_{G_K}$ crystalline, hence $\rho$ is potentially crystalline. (Added: this follows from Hilbert's theorem 90. If $L/K$ is a Galois extension and $Gal(L/K)$ acts semilinearly and continuously on a finite-dimensional $L$-vector space $V$, then $V$ has a basis that is $Gal(L/K)$-invariant.)

In particular, you only get WD representations with $N = 0$.

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