[Math] Suggestions for good books on class field theory


Recently I tried to learn class field theory, but I find it is difficult. I have read the book "Algebraic Number Theory" by J. W. S. Cassels and A. Frohlich. In the book, the approach to class field theory is cohomology of groups. Although I have learned cohomology of groups, I find that those theorems in the book are complicated and can not form a system.
I'm wondering what are people's opinions of the book above, can you give me some suggestions on learning class field theory, and could you recommend some good books on class field theory?

Best Answer

When you are first learning class field theory, it helps to start by getting some idea of what the fuss is about. I am not sure if you have already gotten past this stage, but if not, I recommend B. F. Wyman's article "What is a Reciprocity Law?" in the American Mathematical Monthly, Vol. 79, No. 6 (Jun. - Jul., 1972), pp. 571-586. I also highly recommend David Cox's book Primes of the Form $x^2 + ny^2$ (mentioned by Daniel Larsson). Cox's book will show you what class field theory is good for and will get you to the statements of the main theorems quickly in a very accessible way. (You can safely skim through most the earlier sections of the book if your goal is to get to the class field theory section quickly.) As a bonus, the book will also give you an introduction to complex multiplication on elliptic curves.

However, Cox's book does not prove the main theorems of class field theory. You will need to look elsewhere for the proofs. There are several different approaches and someone else's favorite book may be unappealing to you and vice versa. You will have to dip into several different books and see which approach appeals to you. One book that has not been mentioned yet is Serge Lang's Algebraic Number Theory. Even if you ultimately choose not to use Lang's book as your main text, there is a short essay by Lang in that book, summarizing the different approaches to class field theory, that is worth its weight in gold.