[Math] Suggestions for a good Measure Theory book


I have taken analysis and have looked at different measures, but I am currently looking at realizing a certain problem in a different light and feel that I need a better background in various measures that have been used / discovered / et cetera in order to really move my (very basic) research forward. So, I am curious if anyone can suggest a good book on Measure Theory that has theory and perhaps a NUMBER of examples and uses of various measures.

Thanks for any help; contact privately if you feel that you need more info so as to recommend better; I will explain what I am thinking about for my research — I'm a n00b to research in math so it's probably not that interesting 😉 but who knows.

Best Answer

Jürgen Elstrodt - Maß- und Integrationstheorie (only in German)

Fremlin - Measure Theory (freely available in the web space, contains pretty much every significant aspect of measure theory in appropriate depth)