[Math] Stone Spaces, Locales, and Topoi for the (relative) beginner


I am currently reading Vickers' text "topology via logic" and Peter Johnstone's "stone spaces", and I understand the material in both of these texts to pertain directly to constructions in elementary topos theory (by which I do not mean 'the theory of elementary topoi). However, these things do not seem to be mentioned explicitly in these texts, at least not to great extent. Where might I avail myself of material which really 'brings home' the notion of topoi as 'generalized spaces' in the context of stone spaces and locales as alluded to in Vickers and Johnstone? I understand that Borceaux's third volume in the 'handbook of categorical algebra' is probably a good place to start…

Best Answer

Many good books have already been mentioned; I like MacLane+Moerdijk as an introduction, and after that both books by Johnstone (in particular, Part C of the Elephant does a good job of connecting locale theory with topos theory). But I also wanted to mention Vickers' paper "Locales and Toposes as Spaces," which I think does a good job of connecting up the topology with the toposes and the logic in a way that isn't directly evident in many other introductions.