[Math] spectral radius of a matrix as one element changes

linear algebrasp.spectral-theory

Here's my question —

Let $A$ be an $n \times n$ real matrix, and suppose that the spectral radius $\rho(A)$ is less than one (spectral radius = max eigenvalue). Let's choose some $1 \leq i \leq N$ and look at $A_{N,i}$. Namely, let's replace $A_{N,i}$ with some new value, $a$, to give us a new matrix $\hat A$. I want to characterize the set $\lbrace a : \rho(\hat A) < 1 \rbrace$. It pretty clear that this set is of the form $[0, a_{max})$, but I want to be able to compute $a_{max}$ analytically, given $A$ and $i$. (Also clearly $a_{max} \geq A_{N,i}$, since $\rho(A) < 1$ by assumption.)

This seems like it should be a fairly easy exercise but I haven't been able to make any useful progress on it.



Best Answer

Under your assumptions (all matrix elements positive), the spectral radius is the same as the largest positive eigenvalue, so you just need to figure out for which $a$ the determinant of $\widehat A-I$ is zero, which is a linear equation in $a$.

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