[Math] Spectral graph theory: Interpretability of eigenvalues and -vectors

graph theoryintuition

I thought "Wow!" when I learned that the eigenvector of the adjacency matrix of a cycle graph $C_n$ corresponding to the second largest eigenvalue gives the coordinates of the vertices when equally distributed on the unit cycle: the $n$-th roots of unity (from complex analysis) come up in a completely discrete context! What's more: The coordinates of the eigenvector can be "interpreted" straight forwardly when assigned properly to the vertices.

There's another straight-forward interpretation of an adjacency eigenvector: the eigenvector corresponding to the largest eigenvalue gives the relative importances of the vertices, being proportional to the sum of the relative importances of its neighbors.

Question: Can more – or eventually all – adjacency eigenvectors be sensibly

Or does it in general depend on the type of graph, whether and how the eigenvectors can be interpreted, and the first example above is just a curio?

What about the interpretation of the eigen-values? Do at least some of them "mean" something conceivable?

Best Answer

If the graph has an eigenspace with dimension greater than one, then it is going to be difficult to relate properties of eigenvectors to properties of the graph. One way to get around this is to work with the orthogonal projections onto the eigenspace. If $A$ is the adjacency matrix then $$ A^r =\sum_\theta \theta^r E_\theta $$ where $\theta$ runs over the distinct eigenvalues and $E_\theta$ is the projection on the $\theta$-eigenspace. From this we see that the eigenvalues along with the entries of $E_\theta$ give precise information about walks on the graph, and general information about expansion properties.

There are many natural ways of representing a graph by a matrix. For example you might argue that we should use $-A$ in place of $A$. This suggests that assigning a meaning to eigenvalues might be difficult, but it makes it less surprising that there are useful bounds on size of cliques and the chromatic number involving ratios of eigenvalues (see "Hoffman bounds").

For many planar graphs (for example, fullerenes), the image of the projection of a standard basis onto the sum of the second through fourth eigenspaces is a polytope whose 1-skeleton is often the original graph. This is related to Tutte's "How to draw a graph" and to work on the Colin de Verdiere number, but it is fair to say that we cannot really explain what is going on here.

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