[Math] Space of all topological knots (tame and wild)


Does anyone know something about the space of all topological knots (injective continuous maps from $S^1$) in $\mathbb R^3$ (or in some manifold)?

In addition, what is known about wild knots?

I found only one wonderful fact:

"Montesinos also proved that there
exists a universal wild knot, i.e. every closed orientable 3-manifold is a 3-
fold branched covering of $S^3$ with branched set a wild knot. This shows how
rich the wild knot theory can be."

Added: I mean the situation same as finite-type invariant theory for tame knots – homotopy type of injective part of this space (I found nothing about it) or homotopy type of topological knots with self-intersections.
So, any general-topological properties of singular knot (knot with self-intersection in this context) neighborhood is interesting too.

Added2: Ryan, thanks for clarification! Theo is right, question is "what is the correct topology on the space of topological knots for which knot theory is interesting". Usually only piecewise-smooth knots are studied.

Best Answer

A "long topological knot" in $\mathbb R^n$ is a topological embedding $f : \mathbb R \to \mathbb R^n$ such that $f(x) = (x,0)$ for all $x \in \mathbb R \setminus (-1,1)$.

Let $K_n$ be the space of all long topological knots in $\mathbb R^n$ with the compact-open topology. Then $K_n$ is contractible. The contraction is given by

$F : [0,1] \times K_n \to K_n$ defined by

$F(t,f)(x) = (1-t)f(\frac{x}{1-t})$ provided $t \in [0,1)$ and $F(1,f)(x) = (x,0)$.

This map, $F$, is sometimes called "The Alexander Trick". See the Wikipedia Alexander Trick page for context.

In response to your edit, perhaps an interesting topology on $K_n$ could be given this way. Given $f \in K_n$ and $\epsilon > 0$ we'll say an $\epsilon$-ball about $f$ consists of all knots $\phi \circ f$ where $\phi : \mathbb R^n \to \mathbb R^n$ is a homeomorphism which agrees with the identity map outside of $D^n$, and such that $|\phi(x)-x|<\epsilon$ for all $x \in \mathbb R^n$. The topology on $K_n$ could be the topology generated by all $\epsilon$-balls about all $f \in K_n$. Presumably this kind of topology has a name?