[Math] so “plactic” about the plactic monoid


The plactic monoid is the monoid consisting of all words from the alphabet $\mathbb{Z}^+$ modulo certain relations. It is important mainly because its elements enumerate semistandard Young tableaux.

I believe the plactic monoid was introduced by Knuth, but without that name. Lascoux and Schützenberger named it "le monoïde plaxique" in a French paper (1981) of the same name. (DISCLAIMER: I have never seen that paper; perhaps my second question is answered in it.)

Several questions:

1) How did plaxique $\rightarrow$ plactic? (This isn't the most obvious Anglicization; note that the MathSciNet entry for the original Lascoux/Schützenberger paper translates the title as "Plaxic'' monoids.) Who introduced the latter form of the word and why?

2) What is plactic/plaxique supposed to mean? As far as I know neither was a word in their respective languages before being applied to the word monoid/monoïde. I am entertaining an etymology from Greek $\pi \lambda \alpha \xi$ "flat surface," but I don't find it very compelling.

Best Answer

You can find the original Lascoux & Schützenberger paper here. My French (especially mathematical French) is not great, so I haven't been able to determine how the term "plaxique" comes in. However, I can observe that L&S first introduce la congruence plaxique and define le monoïde plaxique as the quotient of the free monoid over the congruence. So, it seems to me that they were really thinking of the congruence as plactic/plaxic more than the monoid itself (perhaps a fine distinction?). They highlight the relevant properties of the congruence in Proposition 2.5, so maybe that provides a clue?

EDITED TO ADD: A quick scan of the OED yields no results for either "plactic" or "plaxic", but there is one result for the Latin "plaxus" under the etymology for the obsolete word "plash" (To bend down and interweave (stems partly cut through, branches, and twigs) so as to form a hedge or fence.):

an unattested post-classical Latin form *plaxus , alteration of classical Latin plexus , past participle of plectere to plait, interweave, twine (see plexus n.)

So, perhaps "plaxique" is meant to invoke a sense of intertwining or weaving? I could see how that could apply to the congruence relation.

Bonus fun fact: Plaxico Burress makes an appearance in the OED in a citation for the entry "return date":

New York Giants star receiver and gun nut Plaxico Burress breezed in and out of Manhattan Criminal Court in 15 minutes yesterday, with little happening besides the setting of a June 15 return date.