[Math] Slaman and Woodin on Mathematical logic


At the references section of the wikipedia article for Definable set, one finds the following entry:

Slaman, Theodore A. and W. Hugh Woodin. Mathematical Logic: The Berkeley Undergraduate Course. Spring 2006.

What kind of material is it? Manuscripted lecture notes? Is it available somehow? I'm highly curious about its content.

Best Answer

The version of the notes I have is from 2006, they are organized in the form of a short book. It is my understanding they have been updated since, and I believe the current version has new material on model theory, computability, and incompleteness. In particular, I think that Woodin's proof of the second incompleteness theorem for set theory, that I have covered elsewhere, is discussed there.

I think that the notes are distributed to the students at Berkeley that take the course, usually taught by Ted or Hugh, but I do not know whether they plan to publish them, and I am not sure they want to disseminate them otherwise.

The table of contents of the version I have is as follows:

  • Propositional logic
  • First order logic: syntax
  • First order logic: semantics
  • The logic of first order structures
  • Gödel's Completeness Theorem
  • The Compactness Theorem
  • More on the logic of structures

To give an idea of the content, the languages that are discussed are finite (or recursive), and set theoretical prerequisites are kept at a minimum. This simplifies the discussion of some key results (such as compactness or the Löwenheim-Skolem theorems). Besides what I have already mentioned, topics covered include elimination of quantifiers, model completeness, Presburger arithmetic, and a study of definability for particular structures.

I would expect that contacting Ted or Hugh directly is the best way to obtain a copy of the notes.

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