[Math] simple way to compute the number of ways to write a positive integer as the sum of three squares


It's a standard theorem that the number of ways to write a positive integer N as the sum of two squares is given by four times the difference between its number of divisors which are congruent to 1 mod 4 and its number of divisors which are congruent to 3 mod 4. Alternatively, there are no such representations if the prime factorization of N contains any prime of form 4k+3 an odd number of times. If the prime factorization of N contains all such primes an even number of times, then we have

r2(N) = 4(b1 + 1)(b2 + 1)…(br+1)

where b1, …, br are the exponents of the primes congruent to 1 mod 4 in the factorization of N.

For example, 325 = 52 × 13 can be written in 4(2+1)(1+1) = 24 ways as a sum of squares. These are 182 + 12, 172 + 62, 152 + 102, and the representations obtained from these by changing signs and/or permuting.

Is there an analogous formula in the three-square case? I know that an integer can be written as the sum of three squares if and only if it is not of the form 4m(8n+7). There is a simple argument that shows that the number of ways to write all integers up to N as a sum of three squares is asymptotically 4πN3/2/3 — representations of an integer less than N as a sum of three squares can be identified with points in the ball in R3 centered at the origin with radius N1/2. Differentiating, a "typical" integer near N should have about 2πN1/2 representations as a sum of three squares. From playing around with some data it looks like

limn → ∞ #{ k ≤ n and r3(k)/k1/2 ≤ x} / n

might be a nonzero constant. That is, for each positive real x, the probability that a random integer k can be written in no more than x k1/2 ways approaches some constant in the open interval (0, 1) as k → ∞.

One way to prove this (if it is in fact true) would be if there were some formula for r3(k), in terms of the prime factorization, which is why I'm curious.

(I apologize if this is something that is well-known to number theorists, although I'd appreciate a pointer if it is. I am not a number theorist, I just play around with this sort of thing every so often and generate amusing conjectures.)

Best Answer

I just can't stop myself from putting up the following, from the MOTD on the Berkeley server:

Oct  2: Warning: Due to a known bug, the default Linux document viewer
        evince prints N*N copies of a PDF file when N copies requested.
        As a workaround, use Adobe Reader acroread for printing multiple
        copies of PDF documents, or use the fact that every natural number
        is a sum of at most four squares.
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